Psalmists Defining; Us Understanding

Day 105: Psalm 6-10

In college, one of the activities we did in Freshman Bible was to list all the different names for God. We found Deliverer, and Righteous One, Healer and King of Kings. There were many others, but I liked this activity because it gave me many different ways to think about God. Instead of "God" being nebulous and hard to grasp, I could think of him as the Forgiver, the Prince of Peace, a Refuge, the Lord of Lords.

I like the psalms because of how these writers characterize and define God. They create metaphors for God that help us understand his nature. They use words to define God and to give us glimpses into his character. And yet they manage not to limit him or to set limitations on him. Instead, they show how these traits are merely one aspect of God, one side of him, a partial view. The psalmists show us new ways of seeing God, which can help us in our own journey to seek, understand, and know God. The psalmists are giving us words to start.

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About Kara

I am Kara Poe Alexander. I began this blog to read the Bible anew, with fresh eyes and an open mind. I hope to grow closer to God, to learn how these ancient stories are still relevant today, and to develop a spiritual discipline of Bible study.