Day 99: Job 20-24
Job's friends are brutal to Job. I would say they are "brutally honest," but the word honesty doesn't quite work because their seeing him as wicked and sinful is merely their perspective, one that is limited and doesn't quite understand the big picture. These friends think they know Job--that he didn't give to the poor, that he hoarded his wealth and was sinful. They speak to him as if they know Job--and as if they know God--but their limited perspective of Job--and of God--is evident in the things they say and in Job's reactions to their comments. And yet, they care about Job so they feel as if they must say something to him, that they must encourage him to restore his faith and seek the Lord. It's their duty to be his friend and to guide Job. Even if they misunderstand, they still feel they must speak when they see so much as being at stake. What's even more interesting is that Job does not turn away from God. He remains close by his side, even when he has lost so much.
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