Day 80: Reflection 2
It's been 40 days since my last reflection. 40 days already! Wow. I've almost made it to the book of Ezra. That's hard to believe. I think I'm on a quicker pace than it takes to read the Bible in one year, but the fact that I'm ahead will allow me to proceed more slowly through the New Testament and spend more time on the various chapters, which I'm really looking forward to.
I'm still really enjoying my journey. The daily Bible reading and study has become a habit, a part of my daily routine. I honestly never thought I would get to where Bible reading was such a regular part of my life, but I actually have. Elizabeth has even caught on, and often pronounces that she is having her own Bible study. I'm glad she's learning some good things from me!
I'm also able to engage with others in conversations about God in informed and knowledgeable ways. I understand more about his nature--who He is and how he treats his people. I also understand about how He treats for and cares for His people, especially through the covenant relationship he has established with Israel. Reading about God's relationship with Israel as an adult has reminded me about God's nature and how he engages in relationship with us:
--God always keeps his covenant, even when we don't.
--God wants us to obey him above all else.
--God will punish us when we disobey because we are breaking his covenant.
This process has also allowed me to read the passages from various versions of the Bible. Since I am reading the Bible online (through ""), I can choose which version I want to read. When I'm unsure about a meaning or something, I can always look at another version and perhaps hear it a bit differently. Since I don't have all these versions of the Bible in print, it's nice to have free access to them online.
I am noticing some changes in myself as well. I think that my time and my life has become a bit less self-centered. Now, I consider more about how this is all God's time and I am just borrowing it for a while. This realization has made me less self-absorbed and more giving towards the needs of others. I hope I continue to grow in this way.
I have also noticed some disadvantages reading through the Bible this way--quickly and from beginning to end. The main difficulty I have is that I don't get to spend too much time pondering over questions I have about the text or even struggles I'm having with understanding the passages because I have to keep reading and keep writing because tomorrow is another day with a new reading. Another part of this process that hasn't quite played out like I had thought is in terms of the way the Bible would impact my prayer life and my reflections to God. I feel closer to God, yes, but I also thiWhile I don't know if my goal will ever be to read the Bible again in a year, I do know that there are advantages and disadvantages to reading it differently.
I still have some goals for myself as I continue this journey:
1. I hope to spend more time meditating on what I read each day. While I do spend time contemplating and reflecting on the words, I often don't have the time to meditate and pray about it as much as I'd like. This connection between scripture and meditating or prayer is one that I want to make more.
2. I hope to see changes in my behavior with how I relate with and treat others. I want to see growth as a person who deals with and relates to other people. I want to be a better wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend. It is my hope that these words will impact my heart and will lead me to greater awareness of myself as a relational being.
3. I also hope to learn how to be more like Jesus--practical things to do that will lead me closer to the realization of the kingdom of God on earth.
Thanks for journeying with me. I hope that you, too, have learned some things along the way and that you have some goals for yourself as well.
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