Day 71: 2 Kings 9-14
Second Kings lists king after king after king in both Israel and Judah. Some kings were good and most were bad. Most worshiped Baal, fertility gods, and other gods; few worshiped the one true GOD. In spite of Israel's turn away from the Lord, Second Kings 14: 26-27a says, "God was fully aware of the trouble in Israel, its bitterly hard times. No one was exempt, whether slave or citizen, and no hope of help anywhere was in sight. But God wasn't yet ready to blot out the name of Israel from history..."
God isn't willing to give up on Israel yet. They have broken his covenant over and over and over again, but the Lord has not broken the covenant he made with them. It's the same way today. Daily, we break the covenant we have made with the Lord, yet he remains in covenant with us. Although most of First and Second Kings focus on the kings in Israel and Judah, I think these books say more about the nature of God then it does about the nature of humanity.
Thank God for covenant, and thank God that He keeps it when those with whom He established his covenant do not.
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