Jesus Saves, Jesus Saves

Day 167: Jeremiah 21-24

Jeremiah contrasts the corrupt leaders of Israel to Jesus, the coming Messiah. He will be righteous, come from the line of David, will rule with wisdom, and will do what is just and right throughout the land. How hopeful that seems! That someone, who is called "The Lord Is Our Righteousness" will do what is right and just. He will save. Jeremiah 23:6b says, "In that day Judah will be saved, and Israel will live in safety." Wow. Israel will be saved. We will be saved. Jesus will save.

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About Kara

I am Kara Poe Alexander. I began this blog to read the Bible anew, with fresh eyes and an open mind. I hope to grow closer to God, to learn how these ancient stories are still relevant today, and to develop a spiritual discipline of Bible study.