Imagining a Different Reality

Day 96: Job 8-10

This time Job's friend Bildad talks with Job, asking him what sin his children committed to deserve this. He doesn't understand Job's reactions. Job's response is somewhat puzzling to me as well, but from what I understand it appears that Job ultimately asks God why, if he was going to let all this happen to him, did he even let him be born in the first place. Why did he let him be born if he was just going to destroy everything for him? That's a pondersome question.

Even though I don't understand all of what Job says--he seems to be saying one thing and then switches tracks and goes on to something else--I do know that Job's faith appears more complex and deep than his friends. He is able to imagine a God--a world even--in which things like this don't happen. And since he can imagine a world like this, it is even more painful when life takes these turns, when God allows bad things to happen. Ultimately, Job recognizes that God has the power to take away, but he wonders why he chooses to do so.

I am really enjoying the book of Job. I can identify with Job and his expressions to God, but Job's thoughtful words really give me something to ponder.

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About Kara

I am Kara Poe Alexander. I began this blog to read the Bible anew, with fresh eyes and an open mind. I hope to grow closer to God, to learn how these ancient stories are still relevant today, and to develop a spiritual discipline of Bible study.