Day 93: Esther 5-10
The saga of the book of Esther continues as Haman decides to hang Mordecai out of his lack of submission to him. But he doesn't get to because King Xerxes decides to honor Mordecai for saving his life earlier. And what's ironic is that the same pole that Haman had constructed for Mordecai was actually used on Haman. Xerxes ordered him to death because of his plot against the Jews. In the end, King Xerxes issues decrees that the Jews are allowed to gather together and they could kill anyone who tried to attack them. Purim, the day when Jews got relief from their enemies, was also established. Mordecai became a great man and was known for taking care of his people. Esther and Mordecai were there at the right time and the right place to help take care of their people.
Nowhere in the book of Esther is the word God mentioned.
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